I am truly grateful to Scratcher for arranging this trip. She has put in so much hard work emailing leagues, researching routes, and planning our travel. I truly admire her ability to be so damned organized. It wasn't a surprise to me after watching her take the reigns on The Wheels Of Justice for two consecutive seasons as my captain. I trust her to make importnant decisions. I also trust her to have a good time.
The most challenging parts of my preparation have been tri-fold; packing 2.5 months into one backpack (with derby gear), figuring out what to do with my humble little cleaning business while I'm gone, and preparing my home for my abscence. I know that the packing seems like a no brainer but judging on how I have been procrastinating on a 'test pack' it's the part that I least want to confront. I have said it, friends, travellers, have said it "pack layers". The next person that tells me to "pack lots of layers" I may punch in the face. I don't wear layers...well if I do they aare hugely bulky layers. What I really want is all 3 pairs of my favorite jeans and all 75 roller derby tees I own, all my underwear and all my socks, about 5 different pairs of workout pants and shorts, my gold heels, my cowboy boots, my hiking boots, my water shoes, my sundresses, my flipflops, my endless amounts of facial scrubs and body lotions. But the reality is I can probably take only 1/100th of everything I want. I need to face facts: I am packing for necessity and that means nothing I own is practical. I went to REI the other day and almost had a meltdown when I saw a full-body mosquito net suit for $60 and wanted nothing more than to have it to protect against all the crazy bugs I read about. In regards to my business I am forntunate enough to have clients that seem to really value not only my services, but seem to value my life experience as well. It's a hard thing to ask someone to hold your spot for nearly 3 months of travel, but somehow it's working out. I am so fortunate. My home will be here wating for me too, with Danni Precious, Eagle, and Scout all happy for my adventure but eager for my return. I have stocked them with food and hopefully they can live on sanwiches and cereal while the chef is out. I am not ready at all but also so ready to go.
I hope that I get better at blogging.
I hope that I get better at blogging.
xoxo - mel